backYARD has nothing to do with waves, surfing or coaching.
But for us it does.
As we lived by the sea, we would get together on the beach and spend our days surfing or hanging around together. The beach and its waves were our backyard – the place where we had fun surfing and spent time with friends.
Since then we have spent our days together surfing the waves of Ericeira – our backyard.
Many of us followed the career of surf coaches, and, nowadays, Ericeira’s beaches and waves are not only a place to have fun and be with friends, but, are also our place to work
And that’s how, as children, the beaches and waves of Ericeira became our backyard to be with friends and surf, and now, as adults, our backyard has also become our office
Our backyard are the waves and beaches of Ericeira and we know them like the palm of our hand.
This photo is a wave from one of our favourite corners of our backyard. It was taken many years ago and has always had a special meaning for us. It represents a time when we always surfed together and also when we started to push the limits of our surf, venturing out and exploring more challenging and heavier waves